As a member of BPEA/CTA/NEA you will enjoy the protection and benefits secured to enhance your professional and personal life. These are some of the benefits offered (for more information click on the links below).
As a member of BPEA/CTA/NEA you will enjoy the protection and benefits secured to enhance your professional and personal life. These are some of the benefits offered (for more information click on the links below). When you join the Association you become part of a 3 million member family. Baldwin Park Education Association (BPEA), California Teachers Association (CTA), and the National Education Association (NEA) are the family that stands behind you. Unified membership will immediately provide you access to local, state and national advocates and programs to help you reach your professional and financial goals.
About BPEA, your
Local representative: As the recognized bargaining representative for certificated personnel, BPEA bargains a contract on your behalf, works diligently to provide professional and legal representation in all employment related matters, offers in-services on educational issues, and continues to provide money-saving opportunities through many programs. |
About CTA, your
State representative: CTA works to strengthen education policy in California. CTA's primary focus is on issues at the state level since the California Legislature allocates K-12 education funding. CTA also keeps abreast of licensing and NCLB requirements, provides leadership & professional workshops and funds legal cases. |
About NEA, your
National representative: As our national affiliate, NEA is your primary link on education issues with Congress in Washington, D.C. NEA also provides you with a $1 million liability policy. NEA offers many classroom resources and has an extensive professional library of materials related to education. |
All these member benefits have been specifically designed by BPEA/CTA/NEA to promote and support professional working conditions for members.
5200 Irwindale Ave. # 100, Irwindale, CA 91706
(626) 337-7814
(626) 337-7814